
Cintel Scanner is a real time film scanner that converts 35mm and 16mm film into digital film files that you can use in post production or for streaming and online distribution. You can use the Cintel Scanner SDK to develop software to manage scanner settings, acquisition, metadata, processing, and file management. For example, you could make your own scanner workflow software with automated verifications, or to export CRI images to a custom codec. Software you create with the Cintel Scanner SDK can be used instead of DaVinci Resolve to control your scanner, which may be useful for integration with third party systems, automation, or if the host computer has limited memory or CPU resources.


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The complete solution to realtime 4K HDR film scanning and grading

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Cintel Scanner G3 HDR+

Cintel Scanner G3 HDR+

Zaawansowany skaner do filmów Ultra HD z transportem opartym na kapstanie dla delikatnych filmów archiwalnych, nowe źródło światła dla większej prędkości HDR, plus skanowanie 35mm i 16mm przez Thunderbolt do komputerów Mac i Windows.

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Cintel Audio and KeyKode Reader

Cintel Audio and KeyKode Reader

Przechwytuj profesjonalny, wysokiej jakości dźwięk i informacje KeyKode wraz z obrazami bezpośrednio z filmu za pomocą skanera Cintel.